In all its business operations, the Management of Pasticceria Maristella s.r.l. holds occupational health and safety of all its staff members as its fundamental duty, constant commitment and standing component of its mission.
The responsibility for managing occupational health and safety lies with the entire Company organisation, from the Employer all the way to each single worker, everyone in accordance with his/her responsibilities, skills and powers. To this end, occupational health and safety objectives are set and circulated within the Company, consistently with the organisation’s general objectives, along with the related implementation programmes that are regularly audited.
In order to ensure continuous improvement in occupational health and safety performances and to effectively implement a prevention-aimed approach, the Management has resolved to adopt and keep an Occupational Health & Safety Management System (OHSMS) in conformity with the BS OHSAS 18001:2007 standard.
This System is sized based on the nature and materiality of the health and safety risks associated with the specific business operations, ensures compliance with the applicable legislation and regulations, as well as with any other requirements, and focuses on reduction of any accidents and occupational diseases.
To achieve the aforementioned objectives, the Management is committed to increasing its workers’ awareness, involving and consulting them, also through their representatives, on health and safety objectives and on the related implementation programmes.
The Management makes available the human resources and instruments as needed to implement and control the System and has appointed the Employer, Ms. Francesca Casella, as its Representative in charge of the implementation of the OHSMS.
This document has been prepared, is kept active and circulated to all people that work under the organisation’s control, and it is made available, upon request, to all stakeholders; furthermore, it is regularly reviewed.
Pozzaglio Ed Uniti, 8 January 2018
The Employer – Ms. Francesca Casella